Original Medicare

Understanding Original Medicare:
Coverage, Costs, and Enrollment

Medicare Part A

Medicare Part A is a program that primarily provides coverage for inpatient hospital stays, as well as other hospital-related services such as hospice care, home health care, and care provided in skilled nursing facilities. To be eligible for Part A, individuals must meet certain requirements, such as having paid Medicare taxes during their working years.

If eligible, the federal government may pay the monthly premium for Part A coverage. However, if not eligible, individuals may still be able to purchase Part A coverage.

It’s important to note that while Part A covers many hospital-related expenses, it does not cover all healthcare services. To receive coverage for outpatient services, such as doctor visits, diagnostic tests, or prescription drugs, individuals may need to enroll in additional Medicare coverage, such as Medicare Part B or a Medicare Advantage plan.

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Medicare Part B

Medicare Part B is a component of the United States federal government’s health insurance program that provides coverage for medical services. Part B primarily covers doctor visits, outpatient procedures, and certain preventive care services, such as flu shots.

Most people who enroll in Part B pay a monthly premium, which is based on their income. The premium is typically automatically deducted from their Social Security check. It’s important to note that while Part B provides coverage for many medical services, it does not cover most prescription drugs or custodial care, such as nursing home stays.

To obtain coverage for prescription drugs, individuals may need to enroll in a Medicare Part D plan. Alternatively, they may choose to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, which combines the benefits of Parts A and B, and often includes prescription drug coverage as well.

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